
Most issues of this newsletter follow more or less the same format: I look at one individual’s creative process, seeking clues into how they got their work done (or didn’t get it done) and insights that we can all apply in our own practices. But I’ve also experimented with a few special features which you can read below.

Quick reminder that paid subscribers get the full archive of 150+ back issues, the weekday morning Worm Zoom, and my sincere gratitude for your support!

Worm School

My summer course on wriggling through a creative life. Read the whole thing here or via the links below:


In October 2022 and 2023, I devoted the newsletter to a multipart exploration of creative blocks. What are they, why do they happen, and for god’s sake how do we break out of them?? Read all six posts here or via the links below:



Subtle Advice

The advice column, which I ran from 2020–2022—and which I may pick up again if I receive a juicy enough reader dilemma! Feel free to email me yours here.

Advice on: